Privacy Policy

The company Deals Atividades de Internet Ltda, owner of the Escola Vegana brand, hereinafter identified only as Escola Vegana, in the context of its activity, processes personal data, intending to ensure the protection of all data it collects with rigor, effectiveness and security. and therefore, this document establishes our privacy policy, also applicable to our website, accessible via the Internet at the address, hereinafter referred to as site.

We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our website. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. For more information about this practice and how to prevent companies from using this data, click here.

Google Ads:

  • Google, as a third-party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads
    your website.
  • With the DART cookie, Google can serve ads to its users with
    based on visits to your and other websites on the Internet.
  • Users may disable the DART cookie by visiting Google Ads and Content Network Privacy Policy.

Our privacy policy aims to:

  • Ensure that the website user/data subject knows and understands what personal data we collect about it, the reasons why we collect and use it and with whom we share it.
  • Explain how the personal data that the user/data holder shares with us are used and processed.
  • Know the length of time data will be retained.
  • Explain and make known to the user/data subject what their rights and options are and how to exercise them.
  • Make known the means we use to protect your privacy.

This privacy policy complements the “Terms of Use” and applies to all personal information/data and navigation data collected and processed during a visit to our website, or collected through any legally permitted means.

By using our website, you immediately accept all terms and conditions in this document.

ESCOLA VEGANA may, at any time, make changes to this privacy policy, which will come into force immediately.

Our updated privacy policy will always be available on our website, so we advise you to consult it frequently.

For additional information, you can contact us using the means mentioned below.

Deals Atividades de Internet Ltda, CNPJ: 14.901.570-0001-67.


ESCOLA VEGANA may collect data as follows:

Direct Collection: From the data subject (in person, by telephone, by email and via the website).

Personal data is collected when: a user registers on our website, requests contact or information, subscribes to a service, fills out an electronic form requesting participation, expressing interest or registering for an event, training or other activity developed by ESCOLA VEGANA, requests the sending of a newsletter, communications, or other form of advertising.

Indirect Collection: Through partners, official entities or incentive management entities. ESCOLA VEGANA also collects information about your hardware and software, as well as information about the pages visited within our website. This information may include your browser type, domain name and links. This information is only used to improve the quality of your visit to the website.

Automated data processing is carried out in accordance with current data protection legislation and this privacy policy.


To carry out the activities developed by ESCOLA VEGANA, data from the following natural persons may be collected and processed, this list is not exhaustive:

  • Customers and their employees (when customers are legal entities);
  • Service providers and their employees;
  • Job seekers or internship candidates;
  • Candidates, Clients, Participants or Beneficiaries of Programs promoted by ESCOLA VEGANA;
  • Participants in events promoted by ESCOLA VEGANA;
  • Trainers and Trainees;
  • Interested in participating in actions, of any nature, promoted by ESCOLA VEGANA;
  • Website Users;
  • Users of services provided by ESCOLA VEGANA.


ESCOLA VEGANA only collects data that is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is collected and processed. Among others, we collect the following data:

  • Full name;
  • Birth date;
  • Email address;
  • Postal code;
  • Telephone number;
  • CPF number;
  • History of participation in events;
  • Preferences and interests.
  • Others that arise from the legal requirements to which ESCOLA VEGANA is subject.


The collection and processing of data has the following legal basis:

Execution of a contract or pre-contractual measures – when collection and processing are necessary for the execution of a contract to which you are a party or for carrying out pre-contractual measures. This includes, among others, data for the purposes of managing programs promoted by ESCOLA VEGANA, cooperation protocols, supply or service contracts, contracts with trainees or trainers, sales or product promotion contracts.

Consent of the data subject – When collection is preceded by express, specific and informed consent, through written support or via the web.

Compliance with legal obligations – When collection and processing are necessary to comply with a legal obligation.

Legitimate interest – When collection and processing prove necessary to pursue the legitimate interests of ESCOLA VEGANA, without harming the rights and freedoms of the holders.


ESCOLA VEGANA uses user data for the following purposes:

  • User registration on the website;
  • Allow to create an account;
  • Provide, personalize and improve the user experience with the services provided and events organized by ESCOLA VEGANA.
  • Management of requests for information, expressions of interest or participation in events, training actions, programs or other activities developed by ESCOLA VEGANA.
  • Commercial and Administrative Management related to the company’s activity;
  • Management of training activities;
  • Execution of contracts;
  • To communicate with the user/client for purposes related to the company’s activity;
  • To understand how users access and use the website, our products and services, in order to improve their technical functionalities, develop new articles and features;
  • Communication (emails, messages or other types of notifications or newsletters) with users for the purposes of marketing, promotion, advertising, research, participation in courses and research;
  • Respond to questions using our “Contact” form;
  • Publication of opinions, images, photographs on our website;
  • Sending information about our offers, news and events (Newsletters, invitations and other publications);
  • Definition of profiles (client, trainee or user); 
  • Make statistics;

The information essential to fulfill the purposes for which data collection and processing is intended is identified by an asterisk on the pages of our website. If you do not fill in the mandatory fields, we will not be able to fulfill your requests.


ESCOLA VEGANA is committed to ensuring that the user/client/trainee data processed by it is:

  • Object of lawful, fair and transparent treatment;
  • Collected and processed for the purposes referred to above, and not further processed in a manner incompatible with those purposes;
  • Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected;
  • Accurate and updated whenever necessary, with all appropriate measures being taken to ensure that inaccurate data is erased or rectified;
  • Kept only for the period necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or processed, or for periods imposed by legal determination;
  • Processed in a way that guarantees its security, including protection against unauthorized or illicit processing or against accidental loss, destruction or damage, with appropriate technical and organizational measures being adopted;
  • Treatment is carried out when one of the following conditions occurs:
    – Consent is given by the user for the processing of their data;
    – The processing is necessary for the execution of a contract to which the user is a party;
    – Processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation;
    – The processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the company.


The related data will be kept for a period that does not exceed applicable legal prescriptions and deadlines. This data will always be available in your Customer Account or at ESCOLA VEGANA.

After closing this account, the data will be archived for evidentiary and statistical purposes during the applicable legal and limitation periods. Once these deadlines are exceeded, the data will be destroyed.

The data collected in the “Contact” form is kept during the processing of your request.

The data collected through the creation of an account on our website is kept as long as the account is not closed. Please remember that you can close your account at any time.

If your account remains inactive for a period of 5 years, we will contact you to find out whether or not you want to maintain it. If nothing is told to us, the account will be closed and the data destroyed.

If we are compelled to keep your personal data to comply with legal, tax, accounting or other obligations, it will be kept for the period required by law.

Data collected for the purposes of promotion, advertising and other communications will be kept for a period of 5 years from the date of collection or your last contact.

The data retention period for holders who do not contract any provision of the service, nor participate in events organized by ESCOLA VEGANA, is 5 years, except for those who are subject to compliance with legal obligations.


Personal data is intended for ESCOLA VEGANA. However, your personal data may be transmitted to partner entities to carry out the aforementioned purposes, for customer management, marketing operations and detection of fraudulent actions.

In compliance with ESCOLA VEGANA’s duties and depending on its purpose, your data may be transmitted and shared with third party entities, which include public bodies, program management entities, certifying bodies, or others.

Disclosure of data is possible whenever required by law, regulatory provision or court order, or if disclosure is necessary to protect and defend your rights.


ESCOLA VEGANA may subcontract the processing or share personal data with third parties who are located in countries other than the holder’s residence. However, this transfer is carried out under appropriate guarantees, including contractual ones, in accordance with applicable data protection legislation.


We are committed to implementing all necessary mechanisms and precautions to preserve the confidentiality and security of personal data and prevent it from being damaged, distorted, destroyed or used by unauthorized third parties.

We implement technical and organizational measures to help protect the security of personal data, namely encryption policies, access and retention policies, information and training for employees.

However, we draw your attention to the fact that using the Internet is never completely safe, meaning that we cannot control all the risks associated with it.


The LGPD grants the holder of personal data a set of rights that must be necessarily safeguarded and which are as follows:

1. Right to Information

The LGPD determines that holders of personal data must be provided with a set of information. Therefore, the following information must be provided:

a) Identity and contact details of the company/responsible for processing the data or its representative;

b) If the collection is direct, it must be stated that data will be communicated to third parties and whether or not this constitutes a legal or contractual obligation and the consequences of not providing the data;

c) Categories of personal data;

d) What are the purposes for which the data is intended;

e) Data retention period;

f) The existence of the right to access, rectification, erasure and limitation of processing;

g) The existence of the right to object to the processing;

h) If the processing of data is based on the consent of the data subject, it must be noted that the data subject may withdraw consent at any time;

i) The existence of the right not to be subject to automated decisions, including profiling;

j) The right to data portability;

k) The right to know about the existence of a data breach;

l) The right to complain to CNPD;

m) If the collection is indirect, it is also necessary to inform what categories of data will be collected and the sources of the data.

2. Right of Access

Data holders have the right to know whether or not their personal data is being processed, whether they have been transmitted to other entities, what destination they have been given, as well as access to their data and all information relating to data processing activities. treatment.

3. Right of Rectification

Data holders have the right to have data rectified whenever they are out of date, incorrect or incomplete.

4. Right to Erasure

Under the LGPD it is also referred to as the “right to be forgotten”.

It gives the holder of personal data the right to request companies/controllers to delete their data.

Therefore, holders of personal data have the right to obtain their deletion, provided that:

  • The data is unnecessary for the purposes for which it was collected and processed;
  • The holder withdraws his consent, when the processing is based on this and there is no other legal basis for the data processing;
  • The holder opposes the processing of personal data used for automated purposes;
  • When personal data has been processed unlawfully.

5. Right to Limitation of Treatment

The holder of personal data has the right to demand the limitation of the processing of their data.

6. Right to Data Portability

The data subject may request the delivery of their personal data in a commonly used format (subject to the application of a fee for the provision of the service according to the table in force at the time of the order) or request its transfer to another company/data controller. However, the data subject may only demand that their data be handed over to another controller when this is technically possible.

7. Right to Object and Automated Individual Decisions

The data subject has the right not to be subject to this type of automated decisions, and may object, at any time, to the processing of personal data concerning him or her, including the definition of profiles.

8. Right to Withdraw your Consent

The data subject may withdraw their consent at any time.

At the same time, at any time, the holder can unsubscribe and stop receiving our communications, videos, offers, news and information about events, using the link contained in the message we sent to them.

9. Right to File a Complaint

For any questions about data collection and processing, you can contact us using the means mentioned above.


These rights can be exercised by contacting us through the following means:


If a data subject submits manifestly unfounded or excessive requests, particularly due to their repetitive nature, ESCOLA VEGANA may require payment of a reasonable fee, taking into account the administrative costs of providing the information.


We do not deliberately collect personal data from children under the age of 13, in accordance with the age limit applicable in Brazil, except in situations where we provide services to them, always with the express authorization of their parents. If the user is below the age limit, they should not register on the website. If the parents of a child under the age limit become aware that they have registered on our website, they must contact us as soon as possible using the “Contact” form to exercise their rights.


In the event of a breach of personal data and to the extent that it involves a high risk to the user’s rights and freedoms, ESCOLA VEGANA undertakes to communicate such breach to the user and to the CNPD (National Council for Data Protection and of Privacy) within 72 hours of becoming aware of the incident.

This privacy policy comes into force on November 02, 2023.